Be patient! Study Every Day, Practice Every Time & Exams Are Often Sudden
Whatever the test must be patient
Trials of calamity give us 2 benefits; the first benefit is to abort sins and the second to increase degrees. This is what we must believe so that we can be patient.
Prophet ﷺ said:
"Nothing happens to a believer, until the thorns stick in him, except Allah notes for him goodness and mistakes are erased" (HR. Muslim, no. 2572).
So we must remember that the test reduces sin if a servant endures it patiently. If you are not patient, you reduce your sins, then this disaster does not reduce your sins, instead it makes a person worse off.
Remember that disaster can bring pleasure and can also bring punishment. Brings favors when a servant gets closer to Allah with the disaster.
Incurs doom if it makes a servant further away from Allah, it means that the disaster is a punishment and brings doom to him.